Ergodic Theory, Algorithms and Rigorous Computations, Warwick, 3-7 April 2017

Workshop “Ergodic Theory, Algorithms and Rigorous Computations”

Warwick, 3-7 April 2017

Organising Committee: W.Bahsoun (Loughborough), S.Galatolo (Pisa), M.Pollicott (Warwick), B.Saussol (Brest) and S.Vaienti (Toulon)

Local Organisers: W.Bahsoun and M.Pollicott

Confirmed Speakers: Viviane Baladi (MJ-PRG, CNRS) Michael Dellnitz (Paderbon) Mark Demers (Fairfield) Frédéric Faure (Grenoble) Gary Froyland (New South Wales) Georg Gottwald (Sydney) Sébastien Gouëzel (Rennes) Oliver Jenkinson (QM-UL) Oliver Junge (Munich) Kathrin Padberg-Gehle (Dresden) Carlangelo Liverani (Rome II) Ian Melbourne (Warwick) Francoise Pene (Brest) Cecilia González-Tokman (Queensland) Warwick Tucker (Uppsala) Polina Vytnova (QM-UL)

This meeting is supported by a Leverhulme Trust Network grant.

Overview: In the past 15 years there has been remarkable progress in studying statistical properties of hyperbolic dynamical systems by using functional analytic techniques and coupling methods. In parallel, new computer assisted proofs and algorithms have been developed to compute SRB measures, almost invariant sets/coherent structures, dimensions of attractors, and other important dynamical quantities. This workshop aims to bring together both pure and computationally-oriented ergodic theorists in order to bridge cutting-edge theoretical discoveries with new and interesting computational developments.
