2 Assistant Professorships (non tenure-track) at the University of Padova

2 job vacancies at the Department of Mathematics “Tullio levi-Civita” at the University of Padova

The offered positions are 2 Assistant Professorships (non tenure-track)

  • “Ricercatore a Tempo determinato lett. a) L. 240/2010”- .

The time commitment is for 3 years.

The positions are funded by the ERC project “Stable and Chaotic Motions in the Planetary Problem”. The project is around KAM, Nekhorossev and instabilities theories in planetary systems. The winner candidate will be part of the team of the project and will work around its themes. There will be a serious teaching activity (in Italian), as it is common in this kind of positions (usually, about 60 hours per year).

The deadline to apply is November 24, 2017; h:13:00

The instructions to apply may be found in the announcement (in Italian):
