Postdoc in Grenoble

Postdoctoral research position available:

Beginning: October 2018 (exact date open to discussion)

Length: 24 months

Location: Based in Grenoble (France) at Fourier Institute. During the second year, possibility of long visits to other places of the ANR project, especially the University Paris-Sud.

Research: This postdoctoral position is funded by the ANR project ISDEEC. This project concerns the qualitative dynamics of PDEs and ODEs and lies in the interface of dynamical systems theory, PDE techniques, control theory, geometry, functional analysis… One of the main topics of the doctoral thesis (PhD) of the candidate should concern either dynamical systems or PDE’s or control theory. The research project of the candidate should be related to one of the main tasks of the ANR ISDEEC: • Dynamical systems and PDEs • Control theory and generic dynamics • Global dynamics and control theory • Hamiltonian dynamics in infinite dimension Moreover, the candidate should be open to interactions with the mathe- matical topics included in the ANR project ISDEEC.

Income and fundings: The salary is about 1900 e per month (net income, health insurance included). The candidate will have access to the funds of the ANR project ISDEEC for covering his/her research expenses.

Application: The candidate should sent an e-mail to Romain Joly with subject [Postdoc ISDEEC] YOUR_NAME YOUR_SURNAME by Friday 15 De- cember 2017 at 24:00 (Paris-time). The email should include a CV, a short description of the research and a brief motivation letter concerning the project (in the body of the email or attached as pdf files). Complete articles should not be attached to the email, but links to Arxiv or a web page are very welcome. Recommendation letters should be sent directly by the reference using an email with the same subject as the candidate.

Deadline: Friday the 15th December 2017 at 24:00 (Paris-time).
