Perspectives in Hamiltonian Dynamics (Venice, June 18-22)
“Perspectives in Hamiltonian dynamics”
will be held in Venice (Italy) June 18-22 2018, funded by the homonym ERC project Stable and Chaotic Motions in the Planetary problem.
The aim of this conference is to gather specialists working in the fields of Hamiltonian systems, with a focus on near integrable systems, celestial mechanics, perturbative techniques, Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser and Nekhorossev theories, Arnold instability.
The following speakers confirmed their participation:
Massimiliano Berti (Scuola Italiana di Studi Superiori Avanzati, Trieste) Alessandra Celletti (Universita` Tor Vergata, Roma) Alain Chenciner (Institut de mécanique céleste et de calcul des Ephemerides, Paris) Amadeu Delshams (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona) Holger Dullin (University of Sydney) Christos Effthimiopoulos (Academy of Athens) Bassam Fayad (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris) Marian Gidea (Yeshiva University, New York) Giovanni Gronchi (Universita` di Pisa) Marcel Guardia (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona) Vadim Kaloshin (University of Maryland) Sergei Kuksin (Universit? Paris-Diderot) Jacques Laskar (Institut de mécanique céleste et de calcul des ephemerides, Paris) Elena Lega (Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur) Jean-Pierre Marco (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris) Richard Moeckel (University of Minnesota) Gabriella Pinzari (Universita` di Padova) Tere M.Seara (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona) Alfonso Sorrentino (Universita` Tor Vergata, Roma) Dimitri Treschev (Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences) Dimitri Turaev (Imperial College, London)
If you wish to participate, please register by sending an e-mail to by May 15, 2018.
We foresee a limited number of slots for contributed talks and will be able to cover local expenses for a limited number of young participants. To apply for contributed talk/financial support please register early in advance (before April 30, 2018) and mention it in the registration e-mail and include a short CV. The selection of contributed talks and of the financial support will be confirmed by e-mail.
Full information concerning the location and accommodation will follow.
A tentative web-page including minimal information is here: A full web-page is still under construction and will be publicized in a next announcement.
The organizing committee:
Francesco Fasso`, Massimiliano Guzzo, Vadim Kaloshin and Gabriella Pinzari