Nominations for the Fubini Prize 2018
Nominations for the Fubini Prize 2018
We invite to nominate candidates for the Fubini Prize 2018. The prize supports a young mathematician whose researches are based in Italy (under 40 at the end of the year, and resident in Italy or temporarily resident abroad) who has obtained results in the fields of pure or applied mathematics and is recognized for his studies by the international scientific community. The age of 40 is increased by one year for each child if the mathematician is a woman.
The prize is awarded every second year: please look at the Fubini Prize webpage: []
****** The theme chosen for the 2018 edition concerns new analytical methods for the study of differential equations of relevance in Mathematics and in Physics, Biology and other Sciences.
****** Nominations should be signed by at least two endorsing mathematicians (including the nominator) and accompanied by a short paragraph supplying the reasons for the nomination. Please use the form [] for this purpose.
The final selection of the speakers will be done by the Fubini Prize Scientific Committee. The Prize will be awarded at the Turin Academy of Sciences on October 4th 2018.
****** Please submit your nominations before June 30th 2018. If you need more information, please contact Susanna Terracini (