2-year Postdoc positions and one PhD position at the RWTH Aachen University
Job openings to bring to the attention of potential candidates:
- two 2-year Postdoc positions
- one PhD position
available at the RWTH Aachen University, starting June 2019, or within 6 months thereafter.
These are mostly research positions, with a teaching load consisting of exercise sections for undergraduate courses.
For the Postdoc positions, candidates are expected to conduct research in Symplectic/Contact Topology and/or Symplectic Dynamics, or Systolic Geometry.
The successful candidate for the PhD position will conduct research in Symplectic Dynamics, comprising the use of methods from Symplectic Geometry/Topology to study the global structure of Hamiltonian systems. Among such methods we emphasize Floer Theory and Symplectic Field Theory.
Please find official announcements at the following websites:
Postdoc positions (English)
Postdoc positions (German)
PhD position (English)
PhD position (German)
The deadline is March 30 (possibly extendable), and we will interview candidates shortly after (mostly via Skype), aiming to complete the selection process by end of April. Candidates should submit a CV, with list of publications (for postdocs), and the name/contact info of references.
In case of further questions, please contact:
Umberto Hryniewicz: umbertolh@ias.edu