Post-doctoral position in Paris in Symplectic/Contact Topology/Dynamics
The Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche will offer one post-doctoral position in the field of symplectic/contact topology and dynamics starting September 1, 2020.
This is a two-year post-doctoral position funded by the European Research Council via the French CNRS.
- No teaching requirements for this position.
- The starting date of is flexible.
- The salary is approximately 3000 euros/month before taxes.
- A grant of 3500 euros per year for research related travel expenses will be provided. Further funds are available for the invitation of collaborators.
Applications should be sent as a single PDF file to (** **) and include the following:
- CV + list of publications
- description of work (max 3 pages)
- research statement/project (max 3 pages)
The applicants should also arrange for three reference letters to be
sent to the above email independently.
The review of applications will begin on Dec. 20, 2019. Late
applications will be considered.
This position is financed through the ERC-Starting Grant HSD-851701:
Homeomorphisms in symplectic topology and dynamics (PI Sobhan
For further information, please contact Sobhan