Lecture Series on Dynamics of Billiards by Vadim Kaloshin

We are excited to announce a series of online lectures by Prof. Vadim Kaloshin from IST Austria on the topic of Integrability and rigidity for convex billiard.

If you are interested in attending the lecture, please fill out the application form by February 28th: https://forms.gle/FburDqo2fQ8NxN8A9. Once you have completed the application, we will email you the Zoom address to join the lectures.

Event Details

Date and Time:

  • 3 pm-5 pm on March 7th (Tuesday)
  • 3 pm-5 pm on March 8th (Wednesday)
  • 3 pm-5 pm on March 10th (Friday)
  • 3 pm-5 pm on March 13th (Monday)

Timezone: Japan time


The main topic of the minicourse is dynamics of Bikhoff billiards or billiards in convex bounded regions. Motivated by the famous question “Can you hear the shape of a drum?” We shall discuss several notions of deformational spectral rigidity for convex billiards. It turns out that techniques to study these notions are also applicable to perturbative Birkhoff Conjecture about integrable billiards.


For more information about the lecture series, please refer to the following papers:

We encourage you to share this announcement with other researchers who may be interested in attending the lectures.