Wednesday 17th August at 14:30 (ICTP)
“Martingale approximation for parametrised dynamical systems”
Abstract: In joint work with Alexey Korepanov and Zemer Kosloff, we prove statistical limit laws for sequences of the type \(\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}v_n\circ T_n^j\) where \(T_n\) is a family of nonuniformly hyperbolic transformations. The key ingredient is a new martingale-coboundary decomposition for nonuniformly hyperbolic transformations which is useful in the case when the family \(T_n\) is replaced by a fixed transformation \(T\), but which is particularly useful in the case when \(T_n\) varies with \(n\).
Mini-course on Double Resonances on December 12-16, 2016 Jean-Pierre Marco and Vadim Kaloshin will give a mini-course on
Double resonances in the problem of Arnold diffusion
during the week of December 12-16, 2016, in Institut Henri Poincaré (lecture room 201) in Paris. They will address such issues as normal forms along double resonances, singular cylinders, genericity, invariant sets, and local transitivity. The goal is to explain some of the technical details to the audience and to confront their viewpoints.
At the end of the Pisa-Hokkaido, 2016 summer school, there will be a small workshop involving dynamics.
Chaotic phenomena in mathematical models
(for general information on the whole school )
The school “Algebraic, Geometric and Probabilistic Aspects of Dynamical Systems and Control Theory” will be held at ICTP Trieste, 4 - 15 July 2016.
Courses: Counting Techniques (S. Filip), Introduction to smooth group actions and rigidity (F. Hertz), Symbolic dynamics for low-dimensional systems with positive entropy (Y. Lima), Dynamics of group actions on homogeneous spaces (A. Mohammadi), Kerov-Vershik method in Pickrell’s classification (Y. Qiu), Brownian motion, evolving geometries and entropy formulas (A.
Thursday 9th June, h 16:00
Aula Magna, Dipartimento di Matematica, Pisa
Vitaly Bergelson (Ohio State University)
“Ergodic Ramsey Theory: the Meeting point of Dynamics and Combinatorics”
Abstract: The goal of this talk is to demonstrate the dynamical underpinning of some old and new results in combinatorics and number theory. The results to be discussed include Schur’s theorem on Fermat equation over finite fields, theorems of van der Waerden and Szemeredi on arithmetic progressions and some of modern developments involving multiple recurrence along polynomials and applications to the patterns in primes.
The workshop “Analytical Methods in Classical and Quantum Dynamical Systems” will be held in Pisa, from June 27 until July 2, 2016, at the Centro “De Giorgi”.
For all information see
Prof. Heinz Hanssmann (University of Utrecht)
“Families of hyperbolic Hamiltonian tori”
Thursday 11 February 2016, 15.00
Dipartimento di Matematica (aula Dal Passo) Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”
In integrable Hamiltonian systems hyperbolic tori form families, parametrised by the actions conjugate to the toral angles. The union over such a family is a normally hyperbolic invariant manifold. Under Diophantine conditions a hyperbolic torus persists a small perturbation away from integrability. Locally around such a torus the normally hyperbolic invariant manifold is the centre manifold of that torus and persists as well.
The workshop “Dynamical systems in logic, complex analysis and ergodic theory” will be held in Pisa, from February 8 until 9, 2016.
For all information see
Wednesday 27th January 2016, h 15:00
Sala Conferenze, Collegio Puteano, Centro De Giorgi, Pisa
Anna Miriam Benini (University of Roma Tor Vergata)
“Permutable entire functions and multiply connnected wandering domains”
Abstract: Let f and g be permutable transcendental entire functions. It is a long standing question whether the Julia sets of f and g are equal. The conjecture is true in the case that f,g are rational functions, and in the transcendental case the main issues are due to the presence of Baker Domains and Wandering Domains.
The conference “Renormalization in Dynamics” will be held in Pisa, from April 4 until 8, 2016.
For all information see
There will be financial support for PhD students and young PostDocs. The deadline for application is 15th January 2016.