The School on conformal symplectic dynamics and related fields will take place
8-12 May 2023 at CIRM, Marseille (France)
This school will introduce the study of conformally symplectic dynamical systems defined on symplectic manifolds or, more generally, on conformally symplectic manifolds. This is a young subject with remarkable recent developments which opened several directions of investigation at the crossroad of dynamical systems, symplectic and contact topology, Hamilton-Jacobi equations and, in particular, weak-KAM theory.
The Swiss Mathematical Society Autumn Workshop this year will be on the (broad) theme of
Dynamics and Groups and will take place at the University of Zurich, from September 14 to 16.
The list of confirmed speakers is the following:
Emmanuel Breuillard (Oxford) Nguyen-Thi Dang (Heidelberg) Alex Gorodnik (Zurich) Ursula Hamenstädt (Bonn) Alexander Kolpakov (Neuchâtel) Michael Magee (Durham) Nicolas Monod (Lausanne) Barbara Schapira (Rennes) Cagri Sert (Zurich) Uri Shapira (Technion, Haifa) More information can be found at https://www.
Online lectures “Introduction to computational ergodic theory” 1-5 August, 2022 The Hokkaido Summer Institute organizes a zoom online lecture series on computational ergodic theory on 1-5 August, 2022. The goal of the lectures is to introduce a software and the related theory providing tools for computer aided proofs and rigorous estimates on the statistical properties of dynamics. The lectures includes basics on ergodic theory, tutorials on the language Julia, with an introduction to interval arithmetic libraries and computer assisted proofs in dynamical systems and ergodic theory problems and the package RigorousInvariantMeasure.
Dynamics Seminar “A midsummer dynamic’s daydream” Centro De Giorgi, Pisa, 28 June 2022 The event will take place in person. Those who are unable to be physically present may attend the talk via Zoom by following the link:
9:15-10:15 Dong Han Kim (Dongguk University - Seoul) “Intrinsic Diophantine approximation on circles and spheres” Abstract: We study Lagrange spectra arising from intrinsic Diophantine approximation of copies of a circle and a sphere.
10-14 october 2022: Big Mapping Class Groups and Diffeomorphism Groups, CIRM, Marseille Organizers: Kathryn Mann (Cornell University), Andrés Navas (Universidad de Santiago de Chile), Cristóbal Rivas (Universidad de Chile), Michele Triestino (Université de Bourgogne), Ferrán Valdez (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México).
The meeting is centered on groups that arise in dynamical and geometric contexts, an area which has seen many exciting developments in the past five years. These groups appear in many contexts, ranging from mathematical physics, to dynamical systems, Lie theory and group theory, and ideas and techniques from each area have been fruitfully applied to the others.
3-7 october 2022: School on Dynamical Group Theory, Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne, Dijon Organizers: Joaquín Brum (Universidad de la República), Nicolás Matte Bon (CNRS, Université de Lyon 1), Cristóbal Rivas (Universidad de Chile), Michele Triestino (Université de Bourgogne).
This event is mainly addressed to young researchers, to discover some recent directions in “dynamical group theory”, namely the study of transformation groups and the dynamics of their actions. There will be 3 mini-courses, by Sang-hyun Kim (KIAS), Anne Lonjou (Université Paris-Saclay), Emmanuel Militon (Université Côte d’Azur).
The Women in Math Committee (WiM) of the European Mathematical Society is organising an event called “EMS/WiM Day” within the initiative of “May 12th”, a celebration of women in Mathematics in memory of Maryam Mirzakhani.
The event consists of scientific talks (at the level of a Colloquium talk) of two distinguished speakers, which will take place online on Friday, 20 May 2022 with the following schedule:
14:45 CEST Welcome 15:00 CEST Tara Brendle (Glasgow University, UK) 16:00 CEST Tere M.
A website for our workshop DinAmicI VII (June 6-9, 2022, at RISM) is now online at Please join us and register for the workshop, and check the website from time to time as new information will appear.
Between April 11 and May 12, 2022, Francesco Cellarosi will deliver the PhD course “Randomness in Number Theory: dynamical and probabilistic methods”, at the Department of Mathematics of Università di Bologna and on-line via MS Teams.
Schedule (All times are 4-6pm Italian time. Room name within the Math Building in parenthesis)
April 11 (Seminario VIII Piano) April 13 (Aula VII Piano) April 20 (Bombelli) April 21 (Seminario VIII Piano) April 26 (Seminario VIII Piano) April 28 (Seminario VIII Piano) May 3 (Seminario VIII Piano) May 5 (Seminario VII Piano) May 10 (Bombelli) May 12 (Seminario VIII Piano) Program The course will focus on recent advances concerning the study of random behaviour of number-theoretical sequences.
It is a pleasure to announce that our biennial workshop is returning this year.
The workshop “DinAmicI VII” is organised in collaboration with the Riemann International School of Mathematics, and will take place in the days 6-9 June, 2022 at Villa Toeplitz (Varese).
More information will follow, but for now, save the date!