
Belgrade Summer School on Dynamics, July 17-22, 2021

The Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts will host the Belgrade Summer School on Dynamics, July 17-22, 2021, organized by Vladimir Dragović (UTD/MISANU) and Vadim Kaloshin (IST, Austria). The target audience is undergraduate and graduate students and researchers from Serbia, the region, and around the globe interested in modern dynamics. The school will be organized online with possible hybrid elements, if the situation with the pandemic permits.

Applications to the school "Modern Aspects of Dynamical Sytems"

This is to announce that applications to the Fondazione CIME school “Modern Aspects of Dynamical Systems”, first announced here and rescheduled to 2-6 August 2021, are now open until May 31, 2021. Please be aware that, based on the epidemic situation, it is yet to be confirmed that the school will take place and in which form. For all information on the courses of the school, news about the schedule, and how to apply, visit the website https://web.

Contributed talks in Dynamical Systems at ICMP 2021, Geneva, August 2021

The organizers of the Dynamical Systems Thematic Session of the International Congress on Mathematical Physics (2-7 August 2021, Geneva) especially invite young researchers to apply for a contributed talk and/or a poster in the session. Application form: Deadline: 8 March 2021

18th School on interactions between Dynamical Systems and Partial Differential Equations, June 28–July 2, 2021

18th School on interactions between Dynamical Systems and Partial Differential Equations (JISD2021) June 28 – July 2, 2021 Centre de Recerca Matemàtica The JISD is an annual meeting between experts and young researchers in Dynamical Systems and Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). It is designed to encourage and enhance exchange of knowledge and methods, with the goal of advancing the study of cutting-edge problems in the aforesaid fields of mathematics and with the aim of fostering the interaction among the participants.

Semester Dynamics, Transfer Operators, and Spectra, Lausanne, January-June 2021

Update regarding the semester Dynamics, Transfer Operators, and Spectra, at CIB, EPFL, Lausanne, January-June 2021. The conference Linear Response: Rigorous Results and Applications (25-29 January 2021) and the Bernoulli lecture by Lai-Sang Young (28 January 2021) will be fully online. Registration is required, the deadline is 8 January 2021. The modalities (fully online, hybrid, or fully in-person) of the other scheduled events will be decided later, depending on the Covid situation.

Third DAI Day goes online: New dates and website announcement

Due to the current Covid-related restrictions in Italy, the Third DinAmicI Day (also abbreviated 3rd DAI Day) will take place online. It will also be split into two afternoons, December 17 and 18, 2020, instead of a single full day, as previously announced. A website with the program of the event and all related information (including a link to download the poster) is up: See you all online!

Third DAI DAY - save the date

Dear DinAmicI, We’re happy to announce that the next DAI DAY will take place on December 5, 2020 in Lecce. It is a tremendous occasion for you to attend dynamical seminars and the scientific assembly of the group, and to spend a weekend in a beautiful city. We hope to see you all in Lecce, but in the difficult times we all are living, the event will also be streamed.

PhD Course in Padua (via zoom): Introduction to Floer Homology

Title of the course: “Introduction to Floer Homology” Lecturer: Marco Mazzucchelli (CNRS & ENS Lyon) Syllabus: Lecture 1: Crash course in algebraic topology: singular homology and cohomology, DeRham cohomology. Lecture 2: The Morse homology theorem. Lecture 3: Variational principle for Hamiltonian periodic orbits, action spectrum, the Conley-Zehnder index. Lecture 4: Construction of the Floer homology groups for aspherical manifolds I. Lecture 5: Construction of the Floer homology groups for aspherical manifolds II, proof of the Arnold conjecture on the fixed points of generic Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms.

One-year postdoc at University of Rome Tor Vergata

Opening for a 1-year postdoctoral position at University of Rome Tor Vergata on “Variational and PDE methods for the study of Hamiltonian systems and the Hamilton-Jacobi equation”. All info: Deadline: 24th June 2021 For further information contact: