
2 tenure-track positions at University of Rome Tor Vergata

Call for two Assistant Professorships (tenure track) “Ricercatore di tipo B” at the Department of Mathematics, University of Rome Tor Vergata in the fields (“Settori Scientifico-Disciplinari”): Mathematical Analysis (01/A3 - MAT/05): Mathematical Physics (01/A4 - MAT/07): Deadline for applications: 8 July 2021

2 tenure-track positions at University of Rome Tor Vergata

Call for two Assistant Professorships (tenure track) “Ricercatore di tipo B” at the Department of Mathematics, University of Rome Tor Vergata in the fields (“Settori Scientifico-Disciplinari”): Mathematical Analysis (01/A3 – MAT/05): Mathematical Physics (01/A4 – MAT/07): Deadline for applications: 8 July 2021

One-year postdoc at University of Rome Tor Vergata

Opening for a 1-year postdoctoral position at University of Rome Tor Vergata on “Variational and PDE methods for the study of Hamiltonian systems and the Hamilton-Jacobi equation”. All info: Deadline: 24th June 2021 For further information contact:

Online Ph.D. course on translation surfaces, June-July 2021

The University of Pisa offers an online Ph.D. course taught by Mauro Artigiani (Universidad del Rosario, Colombia) and Paolo Giulietti (Università di Pisa) titled “Translation Surfaces: From Geometry to Spectral Theory”. Description: Translation surfaces are a generalization of flat tori to higher genuses, with rich and interesting geometrical and dynamical properties. In fact, they can be seen both from a complex geometry point of view, stemming from the works of Teichmüller, Ahlfors and Bers, and also from a Euclidean geometry point of view, connecting to the works of the Russian school on low dimensional dynamics.

Online Ph.D. course on translation surfaces, June-July 2021

The University of Pisa offers an online Ph.D. course taught by Mauro Artigiani (Universidad del Rosario, Colombia) and Paolo Giulietti (Università di Pisa) titled “Translation Surfaces: From Geometry to Spectral Theory”. Description: Translation surfaces are a generalization of flat tori to higher genuses, with rich and interesting geometrical and dynamical properties. In fact, they can be seen both from a complex geometry point of view, stemming from the works of Teichmüller, Ahlfors and Bers, and also from a Euclidean geometry point of view, connecting to the works of the Russian school on low dimensional dynamics.

Hybrid conference at CIRM, 14-18 June 2021

HYBRID CONFERENCE: “Uniformly and non-uniformly hyperbolic dynamics” “Systèmes dynamiques uniformément et non-uniformément hyperboliques” (In honour of Christian Bonatti’s 60th birthday) 14 - 18 June 2021 Webpage: Plenary talks are planned every afternoon, from 1:30pm to 4:30pm approximately. More information will appear soon on the webpage of the event.

Hybrid Conference at CIRM (14-18 June 2021)

HYBRID CONFERENCE “Uniformly and non-uniformly hyperbolic dynamics” “Systèmes dynamiques uniformément et non-uniformément hyperboliques“ (In honour of Christian Bonatti’s 60th birthday) 14 – 18 June 2021 Webpage: [] Plenary talks are planned every afternoon, from 1:30pm to 4:30pm approximately. More information will appear soon on the webpage of the event.

RAW Graduate School (online)

The online graduate school, part of the ANR Project RAW “Random operators Arising in the study of random Walks”, is addressed to master, PhD students and postdocs, and people interested in the topics of random Schrödinger operators and their connection to random walks or stochastic process (in random environments). The school will take place over 5 days: June 28, 29 and July 5-7, with 4h of lectures every day to accommodate participants from different time zones (mainly CET, GMT-3, GMT+8).

PhD position in Ergodic Theory at Utrecht University

PhD position available in Ergodic Theory at Utrecht University with title Merging Critical Orbits. The position is sponsored by a grant from the Dutch National Science Foundation. General Description of the intended research: Matching is a mysterious phenomenon which has recently been observed for several parameterized families of interval maps in the deterministic and random settings. It is the property that for each critical point the (random) orbits of the left and right limit merge after some finite number of steps, and that the (expected value of the) derivatives of both orbits are also equal at that time; this assures the stability of this phenomenon under small perturbations of the parameter.

Online Ph.D. course by Albert Fathi, June 2021

This online course is part of the Ph.D. program in Mathematics at University of Rome Tor Vergata. Title: “Viscosity solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equations on non-compact manifolds” Lecturer: Albert Fathi (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA) Schedule: Lecture 1: Tuesday June 1, 11-13 (UTC+2) Lecture 2: Friday June 4, 11-13 (UTC+2) Lecture 3: Tuesday June 15, 11-13 (UTC+2) Lecture 4: Thursday June 17, 11-13 (UTC+2) Lecture 5: Tuesday June 22, 11-13 (UTC+2) Lectures will be streamed by the platform Microsoft Teams.