
Applications to the school "Modern Aspects of Dynamical Sytems"

This is to announce that applications to the Fondazione CIME school “Modern Aspects of Dynamical Systems”, first announced here and rescheduled to 2-6 August 2021, are now open until May 31, 2021. Please be aware that, based on the epidemic situation, it is yet to be confirmed that the school will take place and in which form. For all information on the courses of the school, news about the schedule, and how to apply, visit the website https://web.

Postdoc positions at GSSI (L'Aquila)

GSSI (L’Aquila, Italy) announces two postdoc positions for one or more of the following profiles: Numerical methods for Partial differential equations and Dynamical systems, Numerical linear algebra, Mathematical models in Fluid dynamics and Biology, Partial Differential Equations in Mathematical Physics, Models of collective behavior, dynamics on networks. Stochastic differential equations, stochastic methods in statistical mechanics, hydrodynamic limits. Computational methods in seismology with experience in HPC. Mathematical methods for quantum computing, mathematics in quantum cryptography.

Contributed talks in Dynamical Systems at ICMP 2021, Geneva, August 2021

The organizers of the Dynamical Systems Thematic Session of the International Congress on Mathematical Physics (2-7 August 2021, Geneva) especially invite young researchers to apply for a contributed talk and/or a poster in the session. Application form: Deadline: 8 March 2021

Postdocs in Nice

Université Côte d’Azur in Nice (France) advertises several postdoc positions for young researchers, in the framework of the program: ‘‘AIDES INDIVIDUELLES JEUNES CHERCHEURS 2021" For more information:

Postdocs in Moscow

The Faculty of Mathematics (FM) of the Higher School of Economics (HSE University), Moscow, invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. Appointments are normally made for one year. Postdoctoral fellows have an opportunity to renew their contract (no more than twice). The position involves: • joining one of our research groups within the FM in performing high-quality research – every successful candidate will be offered a position in the FM;

PhD position in Groningen

A new PhD position call has been advertised as part of Marcello Seri’s grant on spectral aspects of magnetic fields via sub-Riemannian geometry at the University of Groningen (Netherlands). See for the application and for more information. The lecture by Marcello Seri at the Dutch Differential Topology & Geometry online seminar can provide additional context to the interested applicants: Deadline: February 28, intended starting date May 1. (Students who will obtain their Master degree in the summer are welcome to apply.

PhD or postdoc positions in Leiden

The Mathematical Institute of the Faculty of Science, Leiden University, is looking for 15 PhD candidates and postdocs in Mathematics Project description: The Mathematical Institute of Leiden University invites applicants for a PhD or postdoc position in any of the research areas of the institute, which are Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory; Analysis and Dynamical Systems; Probability Theory; and Statistics. Contacting supervisors within the MI before applying is encouraged. The position comes with some light teaching duties.

Postdocs in Rome Sapienza

The Department of Mathematics of Sapienza Università di Roma has opened calls for a 1-year postdoctoral position and two 2-year postdoctoral positions, in all areas of Mathematics. The candidates must submit their own research projects. Deadline: January 20, 2021 Formal announcements and info (in Italian) about the positions and application procedure are found here: 1-year position: 2-year positions: An unofficial guide in English through the application procedure for the 2-year positions is available at: https://sites.

Symplectic Structures in Geometry, Algebra and Dynamics 2021-24

The German Research Foundation has granted the funding of a Collaborative Research Centre / Transregio (CRC/TRR 191) on Symplectic Structures in Geometry, Algebra and Dynamics. This CRC is based at the universities of Bochum, Cologne and Heidelberg, and it includes mathematicians from Aachen University. Within this CRC, 17 individual projects will be funded. The funding comprises: 12 full-time postdoctoral positions (pd) and 24 positions for doctoral students (ds). Currently we have openings for 4 postdoctoral positions (pd) and 12 positions for doctoral students (ds).

How to become a member of the UMI Unit DinAmicI

As you may remember (see here) DinAmicI is now also a unit of the Italian Mathematical Union (UMI). If you are a member of UMI, or you are planning to become one, we invite you to officially join our unit by filling in the form that you find at For more information please contact Claudio Bonanno at