The school
“Modern Aspects of Dynamical Systems”
organized by Fondazione CIME to be held in Cetraro (Cosenza, Italy) at Grand Hotel San Michele, (see the first announcement here) has now been officially postponed to next year.
The new dates are August 2-7, 2021. Procedures for the applications will be decided and communicated by Fondazione CIME.
For more information please contact one of the directors: Claudio Bonanno (Università di Pisa), Alfonso Sorrentino (Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”) and Corinna Ulcigrai (Universität Zürich).
The Department of Mathematics of University of Rome Tor Vergata invites you to attend the following event, organized as part of the international project “May 12” (
Lecture in honour of Maryam Mirzakhani:
Speaker: Lucia Caporaso (Roma Tre University)
Title: Varieties of Varieties after Mirzakhani.
Date: 9 Giugno 2020, ore 15
Web page (on which it will be posted the link for the streaming):
The lecture will be followed by the screening of the documentary film : “Secrets of the surface: the mathematical vision of Maryam Mirzakhani” by George Csicsery.
Prof. Mark Pollicott (University of Warwick) advertises the following positions in the area of Ergodic theory and Dynamical Systems:
a phD studentship (funded for up to 4 years); 3 year Post doctoral position; For more information, contact:
Mark Poliicott
The ninth Brin Prize in Dynamical Systems has been awarded to our own
Corinna Ulcigrai (University of Zurich)
for her fundamental work on the ergodic theory of locally Hamiltonian flows on surfaces, of translation flows on periodic surfaces and wind-tree models, and her seminal work on higher genus generalizations of Markov and Lagrange spectra.
You can find the list of Corinna’s prize papers at or
The award ceremony was planned for 18/04/2020 as part of the 2020 Maryland Spring dynamical systems conference, which has been canceled.
There will be nine 4 year PhD position available at the University of Groningen.
Although the research projects are interdisciplinary and across mathematics, physics and astrophysics, at least two of the research topics (number 6 and 9 in the topics list) have a strong mathematical component, with focus on dynamical systems, hamiltonian mechanics and semiclassical analysis.
The advertisement is available at the following link:
The deadline for the application is 1 April 11:59 pm / before 2 April Dutch local time.
Opening for a two-year research fellowship in Dynamical Systems at the University of Pisa. This position is supported by the national grant MIUR-PRIN 2017 “Regular and stochastic behaviour in dynamical systems“.
More information and the official call (with English version) can be found at:
Applications should be received by April 2, 2020.
Please bring this announcement to the attention of people that could be interested.
Ph.D. Course in Padova
INTRODUCTION TO FLOER HOMOLOGY by Marco Mazzucchelli (ENS Lyon) First lecture: 28th February 2020
To register:
The position is for the period of 2 years, renewable to 3 years and can be started between March 1st, 2020 and September 1st, 2020 (negotiable). The successful candidate will be supported by Prof. Corinna Ulcigrai SNSF grant “Ergodic and spectral properties of surface flows”.
Deadline: January 5, 2020
For more information visit the website
The Floer Centre of Geometry (FCG) invites applications for a 3 year postdoctoral fellowship to pursue research in mathematics at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
They are looking for an outstanding, independent and highly motivated scholar with a strong research record in one of the fields covered by the FCG (see
Payment is based on the German TVL-13 scale. The fellowship includes a research grant of 2000 € per year for conference travel support.
Opening for a 2-year research fellowship in Dynamical Systems at University of Rome Tor Vergata. This position is supported by the national grant MIUR-PRIN 2017 “Regular and stochastic behaviour in dynamical systems”.
More information and on the website:
Applications should be received by 30/01/2020.
For further information, contact:
Oliver Butterley: Carlangelo Liverani: Alfonso Sorrentino: