
RTDb settore 01/A4 (Fisica Matematica) - Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"

Selezione pubblica per il reclutamento di n. 1 ricercatore con contratto a tempo determinato ai sensi dell’art. 24, comma 3, lettera b) della legge 30 dicembre 2010, n. 240 presso il Dipartimento di Matematica dell’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” per il settore concorsuale 01/A4 e settore scientifico disciplinare MAT/07 (Dipartimento di Eccellenza). D.R. n. 2373 del 07/10/2019 (Rif. 1524) G.U. n. 86 del 29/10/2019 Scadenza 28/11/2019

PhD position at the University of Vienna

There will be a four year PhD position available at the University of Vienna. The research topic will be ergodic properties of minimal Cantor systems, and the advertisement is available at the link below The application deadline is November 11.

Post-doctoral position in Paris in Symplectic/Contact Topology/Dynamics

The Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche will offer one post-doctoral position in the field of symplectic/contact topology and dynamics starting September 1, 2020. See: This is a two-year post-doctoral position funded by the European Research Council via the French CNRS. No teaching requirements for this position. The starting date of is flexible. The salary is approximately 3000 euros/month before taxes. A grant of 3500 euros per year for research related travel expenses will be provided.

Postdoc position at Bar-Ilan University

There is a postdoc position in Ergodic Theory/Fractal Geometry available at Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv. For more information look at

PhD Studentships in Reading, UK

PhD Studentships in the Mathematics of Planet Earth - starting in October 2019 Full Time 3 year PhD - Reading UK Applications are sought for fully funded 3-year PhD studentships starting in October 2019 in the Centre for the Mathematics of Planet Earth Applicants will have the opportunity to choose from available projects or develop a research project in consultation with a prospective supervisor in the following topics of mathematics with applications to weather, ocean and climate dynamics:

DinAmicI VI: Program available

Please visit the page for the program of our upcoming workshop. You can also download the poster of the workshop at We hope to see you soon in Pisa.

Postdoc in Padova

Announcement for a 1-year postdoc position at Università di Padova: Title of the project: Stable and Chaotic Motions in the Planetary Problem Deadline for application: 20 May 2019 Info (in Italian) and application form (Italian and English):

A tribute to Maryam Mirzakhani, Rome, 3 June 2019

The Department of Mathematics of Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, in collaboration with Accademia dei Lincei, has organized a meeting in memory of Maryam Mirzakhani: Speaker: Corinna Ulcigrai (University of Bristol & Universität Zürich). Title: Billiards, Flat Surfaces and the Magic Wand Theorem. Date: 3 June 2019, 16:00. Place: Sala delle Scienze Fisiche, Accademia dei Lincei, Palazzo Corsini, Roma This event is part of the international project “May 12” and is supported by the MIUR grant “Dipartimento di eccellenza” (2018-2022), CUP E83C18000100006.

PhD Fellowships at GSSI, L'Aquila

The GSSI-Gran Sasso Science Institute offers 31 PhD fellowships for the academic year 2019/20 and invites applications for fellowships for the PhD Programmes in “Astroparticle Physics” (9), “Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences” (8), “Computer Science” (7), “Urban Studies and Regional Science”(7). The official language for all PhD courses is English. The fellowships are awarded for 4 years and their yearly amount is € 16.159,91 gross. All PhD students have free accommodation at the GSSI facilities and use of the canteen.

DinAmicI VI: Website

It is a pleasure to announce that the website of our next workshop is online. Please visit the page