
Stability in Hamiltonian dynamics and beyond, Torino, January 9-10, 2025

This is an announcement for the PRIN-project meeting “Stability in Hamiltonian dynamics and beyond - II” to be held in Turin, on January 9-10, 2025. The workshop aims at bringing together experts in Hamiltonian dynamics and at presenting recent results, as well as ongoing projects of the research units of the projects and of recognized experts in the field. The list of confirmed speakers can be found at Registration is free but mandatory by December 8, use the link https://docs.

CIME summer school on Symplectic Dynamics and Topology

This is an announcement for the CIME summer school on “Symplectic Dynamics and Topology”, which will take place on June 16-20, 2025, in Cetraro (Italy). The school will consist of four mini-courses: Marie-Claude Arnaud, “Conformal symplectic dynamics”; Viktor Ginzburg, “Symplectic Dynamics”; Michael Hutchings, “Low dimensional symplectic dynamics”; Claude Viterbo, “Completion of the set of Lagrangians and applications to dynamics”. Please find all the information on the following website: Applications to attend the school are open until April 15, 2025 through the above website.

Assistant Professorship in Analysis of Dynamical Systems at Utrecht University

Utrecht University invites applications for an Assistant Professor in Analysis of Dynamical Systems. Details of the position are available on the website: The deadline for applications is 25 November 2024.

RTT (tenure-track position) in Mathematical Physics at Università di Roma Tor Vergata

The Department of Mathematics at the Università di Roma Tor Vergata announces the opening of a tenure-track researcher (RTT) positions in the following areas: Mathematical Physics: see Analysis: see Geometry: see Deadline for submitting the application is 28th November 2024, 1 pm (GMT+1)

PhD studentships at Exeter, UK

The University of Exeter’s Department of Mathematics and Statistics is inviting applications for two fully funded PhD studentships to commence on 8 January 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. Deadline for application: Nov 5, 2024. All info and link to application form: (Projects n. 5 and n. 6 are on dynamical systems.)

Mini-course on Computability and Computational Complexity Questions in Dynamics, SNS, Pisa

Prof. Michael Yampolsky (University of Toronto Mississauga) will give a series of 4 lectures on “Computability and Computational Complexity Questions in Dynamics” at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. The lectures will take place on Thursdays October 24 and 31 and November 7 and 14, at 4:30 pm in Aula Volterra, Piazza dei Cavalieri 7. The lectures can be also joined on Zoom at the address and will be recorded and uploaded to the following folder: https://drive.

Postdoc position at KTH

KTH, Sweden, has opened a call for a two-year postdoc position in dynamical systems. Application deadline is Nov 1, and the start date can be negotiated (normally its Sept 2025). Deadline for application: Nov 1, 2024. All info and link to application form:

Postdoc position at UNSW Sydney

UNSW in Sydney has opened a call for a two-year Post Doctoral Research Associate position in the dynamical systems group coordinated by Professor Gary Froyland. Deadline for application: June 27, 2024. All info and link to application form:

Postdoc position in Bologna

Università di Bologna has opened a call for a one-year postdoctoral position on “Stochastic properties of dynamical systems”. The position carries a yearly salary of about 26000 euros (after taxes, before social security withholding). The expected starting date is September 1, 2024. Deadline for application: June 25, 2024. All info and link to application form: For further information, contact the supervisor Marco Lenci.

Postdoc position at University of Vienna

The Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna invites applications for a postdoc position. The Faculty is looking for a University Assistant Postdoc to join the dynamic research team led by Prof. Henk Bruin. The ideal candidate has a background in ergodic theory, dynamical systems or related fields, and a pronounced interest and strong track record in non-uniformly hyperbolic dynamics, topological dynamics, and stochastic aspects of dynamical systems. All information and the application link can be found at https://workingat.