A PhD studentship in Dynamical Systems is advertised at Loughborough.
The deadline to apply is 10 May 2019 and the starting date must be 1st of July 2019 (or few days later, if needed). To apply, follow the link:
Send any questions to w.bahsoun@lboro.ac.uk
The 6th edition of our beloved workshop, denominated with a spike of creativity
DinAmicI VI
will take place on
June 4-7, 2019
at the Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi,
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa.
A website with more info will appear soon and will be announced here. For the moment, save the dates!
Ergodic Theory and Validated Dynamics
CIRM, Luminy, 8-12 July 2019
Expected participants include:
W. Bahsoun, O. Bandtlow, A.-H. Fan, J. Freitas, S. Galatolo, N. Haydn,
O. Jenkinson, M. Nicol, D. Ruelle, W. Tucker, H. Zhang.
Preregistration (by 15 April) is available at:
Organizers: M. Pollicott and S. Vaienti.
Modern Techniques in Smooth Ergodic Theory
CIRM, Luminy, 1-5 July 2019
Courses will include:
*F. Faure and M. Tsujii, Micro-local methods in hyperbolic dynamics
*C. Liverani, Averaging and beyond for fast-slow hyperbolic systems
*F. Paulin, Rates of mixing for geodesic flows with Gibbs measures in negative curvature
and trees
*F. Rodriguez Hertz, Introduction to rigidity in hyperbolic dynamics
Preregistration (by 15 April) is available at:
Job openings to bring to the attention of potential candidates:
two 2-year Postdoc positions one PhD position available at the RWTH Aachen University, starting June 2019, or within 6 months thereafter.
These are mostly research positions, with a teaching load consisting of exercise sections for undergraduate courses.
For the Postdoc positions, candidates are expected to conduct research in Symplectic/Contact Topology and/or Symplectic Dynamics, or Systolic Geometry.
The successful candidate for the PhD position will conduct research in Symplectic Dynamics, comprising the use of methods from Symplectic Geometry/Topology to study the global structure of Hamiltonian systems.
This is to advertise a 22 month postdoctoral Research Fellow position at the University of St Andrews, commencing on August 1st 2019. The candidate will work with Kenneth Falconer and Jonathan Fraser on the EPSRC funded project Fourier analytic techniques in geometry and analysis. Please could you pass this information on to anyone you believe might be interested in applying for the position. The vacancy can be found here:
“Thermodynamic Formalisms: Ergodic Theory and Geometry”
University of Warwick, 22-26 July 2019
(also celebrating the 60th birthday of Mark Pollicott)
The workshop webpage is at
including a link for registration. (Registration is free of charge but is required.)
Limited funding is available to support participants and applications for support can be made when registering. The deadline for applications and to request that the organisers arrange accommodation is 14 April 2019.
“Equidistribution, invariant measures and applications: a tribute to the legacy of Marina Ratner”
Midrasha Mathematicae
Israel Institute for Advanced Study, Jerusalem, May 19-24, 2019
organized by Kostya Khanin, Elon Lindenstrauss, Jens Marklof, Yakov Pesin, Peter Sarnak
The meeting will include both research talks and short minicourses. Confirmed speakers include:
Yves Benoist (Orsay) Aaron Brown (University of Chicago) Dmitry Dolgopyat (University of Maryland) Manfred Einsiedler (ETH Zürich) Alex Eskin (The University of Chicago) Hillel Furstenberg (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Adam Kanigowski (University of Maryland) Ilya Khayutin (Princeton University) Amos Nevo (Technion) Federico Rodriguez Hertz (Penn State University) Nimish Shah (The Ohio State University) Uri Shapira (Technion) Andreas Strömbergsson (Uppsala University) Jacob Tsimerman (University of Toronto) Corinna Ulcigrai (University of Bristol) Minicourse speakers include:
9 Doctoral Scholarships in Mathematics have been announced by the University of Lisbon under the Program LisMath 2019.
Period of the Call: from 06 March 2019 until 20 April 2019 at 14h00 (Lisbon time).
All info at: https://www.eracareers.pt/opportunities/index.aspx?task=global&jobId=110899
Bando per una posizione RTD-A (non tenure-track) nel Settore concorsuale 01/A3 (Analisi Matematica e Probabilità) presso il Dipartimento di Matematica dell’Università di Pisa, con scadenza le ore 13:00 del 18 marzo 2019.
Il bando è disponibile alla pagina: