A website for the Seconda Giornata DinAmica, or 2nd DAI Day, is up and running:
The program of the day should be rather stable but we do not exclude that it might undergo small variations.
To facilitate the organization, we are asking all participants to register at the page: https://eventi.unibo.it/dinamiciday2/registrazione. Also, please download the poster and post it in your institution.
Finally, on the evening of the 21st, a number of us will meet for dinner in a restaurant to be decided.
PhD position in Mathematical Physics (218498) The research group, Dynamical Systems, Geometry and Mathematical Physics, is part of the Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the Faculty of Science and Engineering of the university.
The research activities of the group cover a broad and diverse spectrum of subjects in the fields of fundamental, applied and computational dynamical systems theory, classical, statistical and quantum systems and their interfaces in the light of dynamics, and theoretical and applied aspects of geometry with many connections to dynamical systems theory.
Concorso for a Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di tipo B (RTD-B) at Sissa, Trieste.
Research activity: seen the development plan of the Mathematics Area, the research activity will focus on nonlinear analysis, dynamical systems, and Hamiltonian equations.
Deadline for Applications: 22/11/2018
The Department of Mathematics of Università di Bologna has opened a call for two 1-year postdoctoral positions denominated “Starting postdoctoral position in Mathematics and Applications in Sciences, Social Sciences and Engineering”.
The positions are open to all candidates who hold a Ph.D. in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Engineering, Statistics or Economics, with a preference for applicants who have obtained their Ph.D.’s in recent years. It is an “open” position in that all research areas that are currently represented in the Department will be considered (see the announcement for a list of them).
One researcher position is available within the research project “Limiting laws ruling dynamical systems”, reference PTDC/MAT-PUR/28177/2017, funded by FCT.
Applicants must hold a PhD in Mathematics or in a related field, completed at the time of application.
The research position is aimed at developing research in Mathematics within one of the following areas: Ergodic Theory or Extreme Value Theory, contributing to the research goals of the project “Limiting laws ruling dynamical systems”.
On Thursday October 11, in a ceremony held at the Accademia delle Scienze in Turin, our own Alfonso Sorrentino received the Fubini Prize 2018. The other recipient was Giovanni Catino.
Congratulations to Alfonso from all of the DinAmicI!
Postdoctoral fellowship in Dynamical Systems in Lisbon.
Info: https://cemapre.iseg.ulisboa.pt/lxds/opportunities/
Deadline: November 30, 2018
In keeping with our just-established tradition, 2018 is the year of the DinAmicI Day, the one-day long social meeting of the DinAmici. Thus, some of us (C. Bonanno, A. M. Cherubini, M. Lenci, A. Sorrentino) are organizing the
Seconda Giornata DinAmica at Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (!) on 21 December 2018
The meeting day will include a small number of lectures/seminars and our Assemby. A detailed program will be announced soon, but for now save the date!
The workshop
“Mathematical Models and Methods in Earth and Space Science”
will be held at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Rome Tor Vergata from 19th to 22nd March 2019.
The workshop is one of the scientific activities which the Department organises in the next five years (2018-2022), as part of the programme “Departments of Excellence” supported by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.
The following invited speakers have confirmed their participation:
The workshop
“Dynamical Systems: from geometry to mechanics”
will be held at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Rome Tor Vergata from 5th to 8th February 2019.
The workshop is one of the scientific activities which the Department organises in the next five years (2018-2022), as part of the programme “Departments of Excellence” supported by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.
The list of invited speakers is the following: