
Associate professorship at Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa

The Classe di Scienze of the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa invites applications for the position of Associate Professor, specialty Mathematical Physics (Italian SSD MAT/07). The ideal candidate research interest should focus on dynamical systems (classical or quantum) and ergodic theory. Application deadline: the application must be received by 8th February, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. C.E.T. at the Scuola Normale Superiore To apply: please visit the website

Ph.D. Studentships at Loughborough

Ph.D. Studentships at Loughborough University *Title: ***Rare Events in Dynamical Systems via Transfer Operator Techniques Supervisor: Wael Bahsoun (; phone +44-15-09-222883). Nature of work: Theory Area: Mathematics: Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Brief description: The study of rare events in dynamical systems is currently one of the most active branches of research in ergodic theory. In part, this is due to their interesting applications in earth and ocean sciences. An example of a rare event in dynamical systems appears in the study of ‘open’ systems where orbits infrequently escape from the domain, typically by falling into a small “hole” in the phase space.

8 Postdocs (including Dynamics) in São Paulo

Postdoctoral positions at the University of São Paulo, Brazil The Low Dimensional Dynamics and Geometry Group of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of São Paulo (IME-USP), invites applications for 8 postdoctoral positions. The positions are for two years, renewable twice for up to four years. There are no teaching responsibilities. We are looking for candidates with strong research potential in areas of interest to the group: real and complex dynamics in low dimensions, topological dynamics on surfaces, low dimensional geometry and topology, hyperbolic geometry of 3-manifolds, Teichmüller theory, symplectic geometry and topology, ergodic theory are among the groups interests.

Postdoctoral position at Monash University, Melbourne

A candidate is sought for a position for the role of Postdoctoral Research Fellow on a project studying chaotic dynamical systems on 3-dimensional manifolds. Candidates with expertise in any of the fields of dynamical systems, ergodic theory, foliation theory, and the geometry and topology of 3-manifolds are strongly encouraged to apply. The Postdoctoral Fellow will conduct research at the School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash University, under the guidance of Dr Andy Hammerlindl.

Postdoctoral position at UNSW, Sydney

Applications are sought for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow position in Smooth Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems in UNSW’s School of Mathematics and Statistics. Although experience in both Smooth Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems is preferred, all candidates with strong qualifications in Dynamical Systems and related fields of research are encouraged to apply and will be carefully considered. About the role • $89,051 - $96,677 plus 17% superannuation • Full-time position for a fixed term of up to 2 years with the possibility of extension of up to a further year.

Postdocs in all areas of mathematics at ICTP Trieste

Every year, ICTP’s Mathematics section offers research opportunities for outstanding mathematicians from developing countries, including postdoctorates. The section is now accepting applications for its Postdoctoral Fellowships; the deadline is 7 January 2018. Postdoctoral Fellowships are intended for young mathematicians with a strong research record. Fellows must have completed a PhD in mathematics prior to the start of their fellowship. Women are particularly encouraged to apply. The fellowships have a 12-month duration with a possible extension for a further 12 months; the initial period will be 1 September 2018 - 31 August 2019.

Postdocs in Bologna

The Department of Mathematics of Università di Bologna has opened a call for two 1-year postdoctoral positions denominated “Starting postdoctoral position in Mathematics and Applications in Sciences, Social Sciences and Engineering”. The positions are open to all candidates who hold a Ph.D. in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Engineering, Statistics or Economics, with a preference for applicants who have obtained their Ph.D.’s in recent years. It is an “open” position in that all research areas that are currently represented in the Department will be considered (see the announcement for a list of them).

Ph.D. positions in Cardiff (UK)

Dr Jonathan Ben-Artzi is advertising PhD studentships in Cardiff that are fully funded for 3.5 years for EU nationals. Dr Ben-Artzi is keen to advise on problems in kinetic theory and dynamical systems, in particular long time behaviour. Anyone interested should contact The deadline is in January.

Postdoc in Oxford

The Hooke and Titchmarsh fellowships have now been advertised: (Hooke - up to 3 positions, in applied mathematics) (Titchmarsh up to 4 positions, in pure mathematics) These are 3-year independent fellowships, research focussed with some light teaching. Deadline is 8th December.

Assistant Professorship (non-tenure track) at the University of Pisa

Applications are warmly invited for 1 position as “Junior assistant professor” (Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di tipo A) in “Mathematical Physics” at the University of Pisa. The duration is 3 years. The position carries a teaching load in Italian of up to 60 hours per year. Deadline: applications should arrive before 4th December. The instructions to apply may be found in the announcement (selection code A_15): For further information, please contact claudio.