
2 Assistant Professorships (non tenure-track) at the University of Padova

2 job vacancies at the Department of Mathematics “Tullio levi-Civita” at the University of Padova The offered positions are 2 Assistant Professorships (non tenure-track) “Ricercatore a Tempo determinato lett. a) L. 240/2010”- . The time commitment is for 3 years. The positions are funded by the ERC project “Stable and Chaotic Motions in the Planetary Problem”. The project is around KAM, Nekhorossev and instabilities theories in planetary systems. The winner candidate will be part of the team of the project and will work around its themes.

Postdoc in Marseille

Institut de Mathematiques de Marseille announces CNRS ERC Post-Doctoral Research Positions in Mathematics. The positions are within the project “Intermediate Chaos” funded by the European Research Council, PI: Alexander Bufetov. The project is devoted to ergodic theory and probability, with an emphasis on point processes. Applicants should have a PhD degree at the time of starting the job. Applicants are advised to include the following: - cover letter / statement of purpose; - research statement; - CV and list of publications.

SNS Pisa - Research contracts “Junior Visiting Positions” in mathematics

Position n. 4: Dynamical Systems, as part of the research project “Dynamics and Information Theory Research Institute” (Convenzione 2014 Scuola-Unicredit S.p.a.).

Scholarships for mathematicians granted by Accademia dei Lincei

Announcements (in Italian) on the Accademia dei Lincei website: «Mino Bontempelli» 6-month post-Master’s scholarship in the Mathematical Sciences (deadline: 30 November 2017) 4 Royal Society scholarships for 5-month research visits to Great Britain (deadline: 30 November 2017)

Postdoc in Grenoble

Postdoctoral research position available: Beginning: October 2018 (exact date open to discussion) Length: 24 months Location: Based in Grenoble (France) at Fourier Institute. During the second year, possibility of long visits to other places of the ANR project, especially the University Paris-Sud. Research: This postdoctoral position is funded by the ANR project ISDEEC. This project concerns the qualitative dynamics of PDEs and ODEs and lies in the interface of dynamical systems theory, PDE techniques, control theory, geometry, functional analysis… One of the main topics of the doctoral thesis (PhD) of the candidate should concern either dynamical systems or PDE’s or control theory.

Postdoc in Orsay

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems within the project Non Uniform Hyperbolicity in Global Dynamics of Sylvain Crovisier funded by the ERC. Beginning: September 2018 Length: 24 months Location: Laboratoire de Mathématiques d’Orsay, Université Paris-Sud, France Research: This postdoctoral position is funded by the ERC project Non Uniform Hyperbolicity in Global Dynamics. This project studies the qualitative, symbolic and probabilistic aspects of the dynamics of differentiable dynamical systems (diffeomorphisms or flows).

Postdoc position in Roma "Tor Vergata"

A 1-year postdoc position is available in Rome Tor Vergata within the SIR project “New methods in holomorphic iteration”. There is no teaching load. The research theme is several complex variables and holomorphic dynamics. Deadline for application is November 1st. The chosen candidates will work in Rome, starting January/February 2018. Information and instructions to apply can be found at For more information, please write to

Postdoc in Padova

One-year postdoctoral position at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Padova. Project: “Stable and Chaotic Motions in the Planetary Problem” Supervisor: Gabriella Pinzari Deadline: 5 October 2017 Info (in Italian):

Conference "Analysis and Dynamics": in honour of Luigi Chierchia's 60th Birthday

Analysis and Dynamics Conference in occasion of Luigi Chierchia's 60th BirthdayMarina di San Gregorio, Lecce 12-15 October 2017 Invited speakers:G. Benettin (Universita di Padova) W. Craig (Mc Master University) A. Delshams (​Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya) A. Fathi (GeorgiaTech University) J. Fejoz (UniversiteParis Dauphine & Observatoire de Paris) V. Gelfreich (Warwick University) M. Guzzo (Universita di Padova) H. Ito (Kanazawa University) V. Kaloshin (University of Maryland) T. Kappeler (Universitat Zurich) S.