
INdAM Research Projects for Young Researchers

The Italian National Institute for Advanced Mathematics (INdAM) calls for 6 Research Projects to be submitted by “Young Researchers”. The goal of the initiative is to foster the rise of new leaders in mathematical research, who will be able to compete for ERC Starting Grants and similar Research Funding Schemes. The selected projects will have the duration of 1 year with no possibility of renewal and will be given funds for a postdoctoral position, which might be filled by the applicant him/herself.

DinAmicI V - website and poster

A website for our upcoming INdAM Workshop DinAmicI V Modern Trends in the Ergodic Theory of Dynamical Systems is up and running: We encourage you to visit the site, download the workshop’s wonderful poster and post it somewhere in your institution. (Warning: the poster might be updated before the start of the workshop.)

PhD positions at GSSI

The Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) has opened a new call for PhD applications (deadline 31 May 2017). 40 positions (all with fellowship) are available starting from 1 November 2017 in: Astroparticle Physics Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences Computer Science Urban Studies and Regional Science GSSI is an international PhD school and a center for advanced studies established in L’Aquila (Italy). Its purpose is to form high level human capital, integrating education and research in a lively interdisciplinary environment.

Postdoc in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

 [expired] A vacancy for a post-doctorate research scholarship in the framework of “Programa Nacional de Pós Doutorado PNPD-CAPES” (National post-doctoral programme PNPD-CAPES) associated to the PhD Program in Mathematics UFBA/UFAL is available from May 1st, 2017. The applicant is expected to be a Doctorate with high research potential in Mathematics, without a job contract, and with potential for interaction with the research groups of the PhD Program. The value of the scholarship is R$4100,00 (four thousand and one houndred brazillian real) per month.

Postdoc in Porto

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position (BPD) in Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems within the project PTDC/MAT-CAL/3884/2014 funded by the FCT (Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation). Applicants must hold a PhD in Mathematics or in a related field, preferably obtained less than 6 years ago and have research experience in at least one of the main research areas of the project. The initial contract will be for 12 months, renewable for another 12 months on mutual agreement.

Spring Doctoral School in Lecce, Italy

The 2017 CRITICS Spring Doctoral School will be held at University of Salento in Lecce from April 18th to 22nd: The school is one of the activities of the ITN CRITICS: and everybody interested, in particular graduate students, is very welcome to participate.

Dynamics in Italy - June 2017

Italy is the place to be for young and old dynamicists this coming June 2017. Three amazing events one after the other in Rome, Pisa and Trieste. 5-9 June, Fifth Workshop of the DinAmicI, Rome 12-16 June, School on Hyperbolic Dynamics, Pisa 19-23 June, Workshop on Hyperbolic Dynamics, Trieste Further details below and on the websites. Please distribute this to anyone interested. **************************************************** The Fifth Workshop of the DinAmicI (https://www.

Houston Summer School on Dynamical Systems - May 2017

The Department of Mathematics at University of Houston will host the fifth annual Houston Summer School on Dynamical Systems from May 17-25, 2017. As in past years, the school is designed for graduate students; however, this year there will also be an opportunity for undergraduate students to participate, arriving two days early and then staying for the main event. The following short courses are planned: Statistical properties in hyperbolic dynamics (Vaughn Climenhaga, Will Ott, Andrew Török - University of Houston) Partially hyperbolic dynamics (Todd Fisher - Brigham Young University) Dynamical methods in Diophantine approximation (Alan Haynes - University of Houston) Dynamics of group actions on homogeneous spaces (Anish Ghosh - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) Linearly recurrent systems (Valérie Berthé - Univ.

Postdoctoral positions at ICMAT - Madrid

The Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT-Institute of Mathematical Sciences) offers postdoctoral appointments for researchers in Mathematics with an excellent curriculum who wish to pursue their research career at the ICMAT. Deadline March 1, 2017 For further information visit

Ergodic Theory, Algorithms and Rigorous Computations, Warwick, 3-7 April 2017

Workshop “Ergodic Theory, Algorithms and Rigorous Computations” Warwick, 3-7 April 2017 Organising Committee: W.Bahsoun (Loughborough), S.Galatolo (Pisa), M.Pollicott (Warwick), B.Saussol (Brest) and S.Vaienti (Toulon) Local Organisers: W.Bahsoun and M.Pollicott Confirmed Speakers: Viviane Baladi (MJ-PRG, CNRS) Michael Dellnitz (Paderbon) Mark Demers (Fairfield) Frédéric Faure (Grenoble) Gary Froyland (New South Wales) Georg Gottwald (Sydney) Sébastien Gouëzel (Rennes) Oliver Jenkinson (QM-UL) Oliver Junge (Munich) Kathrin Padberg-Gehle (Dresden) Carlangelo Liverani (Rome II) Ian Melbourne (Warwick) Francoise Pene (Brest) Cecilia González-Tokman (Queensland) Warwick Tucker (Uppsala) Polina Vytnova (QM-UL)