
Seminar in Trieste: Raúl Ures

Thursday 29th September at 16:30 (ICTP) “Ergodicity and Partial Hyperbolicity on Unit Tangent Bundles of Sufaces” Abstract: A diffeomorphism is partially hyperbolic if the tangent bundle of the ambient manifold splits into three invariant sub-bundles, \(TM = E_s \oplus E_c \oplus E_u\), in such a way that \(df\) contracts the vectors of \(E_s\) and expands the vectors of \(E_u\) while the vectors of \(E_c\) have an intermediate behavior. We will present some new advances in the study of the ergodicity of volume preserving partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms acting on the unit tangent bundle of hyperbolic surfaces.

Colloquium at Tor Vergata: Walter Craig (McMaster University) 12 Sept 2016

DEPARTMENT COLLOQUIUM 12 SEPTEMBER 2016 , 15.00 (A refreshment will follow in the common room) AULA DAL PASSO - DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS UNIVERSITA’ DI ROMA “TOR VERGATA” Speaker: Prof. Walter Craig (McMaster University) Title: Vortex Filament Dynamics Abstract The evolution of vortex filaments in three dimensions is an important problem in mathematical hydrodynamics. It appears in questions on solutions of the Euler equations as well as in the fine structure of vortex filamentation in a superfluid.

Seminar in Trieste: Abbas Fakhari

Thursday 18th August at 14:30 (ICTP) “Ergodicity of Surface Actions via Flag Manifold” Abstract: This talk is devoted to study the ergodicity of smooth surface actions. We provide a sufficient condition for surface actions to be ergodic with respect to the Lebesgue measure. First, we address the main results obtained so far for the unit circle, as a main tool in higher dimensional. After that, by introducing the notion of flag manifold, we explain how rich minimality of sufficiently smooth action on the flag manifold may lead to the ergodicity of the initial action.

Senior postdoc position in Bologna

The Department of Mathematics of Università di Bologna has opened a call for a 1+1-year postdoctoral position denominated “Advanced postdoctoral position in Mathematics and Applications in Sciences, Social Sciences and Engineering”. The position is open to all candidates who hold a Ph.D. in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Engineering, Statistics or Economics and have been involved in postgraduate research activities for at least two years (counting from the application’s deadline, September 8, 2016, 1:00PM, CET).

Report of the consultation on Mathematics in Horizon 2020

News for the European Commission about Horizon 2020 and Mathematics: “The online consultation on mathematics was carried out from 29 January to 15 May 2016 by the European Commission Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content & Technology (DG CONNECT) in the context of a stakeholder consultation to prepare the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020.” More info:

ICTP-INdAM Research in Pairs in Mathematics

ICTP and the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (INdAM) have launched a joint program of “Research in Pairs” aimed to fund research project in Mathematics to be carried out in collaboration between mathematicians from developing countries and INdAM members either at ICTP in Trieste or in any research unit of INdAM (see the list at Applications must be submitted using the online system; the deadline is 15 September 2016.

Seminar in Trieste: Pablo Carrasco

Thursday 4th August at 14:30 (ICTP) “Geometric constructions of Equilibrium States” Abstract: In this talk I’ll show a completely different construction of equilibrium states associated to Hölder potentials for hyperbolic systems, and indicate the necessary modifications to deal with certain partially hyperbolic cases. The key point for this extension is avoiding altoghether the use of symbolic dynamics and the Perron-Frobenious method. Time permiting I’ll discuss applications. This is a joint project with F.

Seminar in Trieste: Ian Melbourne

Wednesday 17th August at 14:30 (ICTP) “Martingale approximation for parametrised dynamical systems” Abstract: In joint work with Alexey Korepanov and Zemer Kosloff, we prove statistical limit laws for sequences of the type \(\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}v_n\circ T_n^j\) where \(T_n\) is a family of nonuniformly hyperbolic transformations. The key ingredient is a new martingale-coboundary decomposition for nonuniformly hyperbolic transformations which is useful in the case when the family \(T_n\) is replaced by a fixed transformation \(T\), but which is particularly useful in the case when \(T_n\) varies with \(n\).

Mini-course on Double Resonances at IHP Paris on December 12-16, 2016

Mini-course on Double Resonances on December 12-16, 2016 Jean-Pierre Marco and Vadim Kaloshin will give a mini-course on Double resonances in the problem of Arnold diffusion during the week of December 12-16, 2016, in Institut Henri Poincaré (lecture room 201) in Paris. They will address such issues as normal forms along double resonances, singular cylinders, genericity, invariant sets, and local transitivity. The goal is to explain some of the technical details to the audience and to confront their viewpoints.

Chaotic phenomena in mathematical models

At the end of the Pisa-Hokkaido, 2016 summer school, there will be a small workshop involving dynamics. Chaotic phenomena in mathematical models (for general information on the whole school )