The workshop “Dynamical systems in logic, complex analysis and ergodic theory” will be held in Pisa, from February 8 until 9, 2016.
For all information see
Wednesday 27th January 2016, h 15:00
Sala Conferenze, Collegio Puteano, Centro De Giorgi, Pisa
Anna Miriam Benini (University of Roma Tor Vergata)
“Permutable entire functions and multiply connnected wandering domains”
Abstract: Let f and g be permutable transcendental entire functions. It is a long standing question whether the Julia sets of f and g are equal. The conjecture is true in the case that f,g are rational functions, and in the transcendental case the main issues are due to the presence of Baker Domains and Wandering Domains.
In the framework of the initiative funded by “la Caixa” Foundation, BCAM – Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, as a Severo Ochoa research Centre has opened an international call for researchers, offering three-positions for PhD Fellowships in the center Research Lines:
CFD-CT (supervisor: Johan Jansson) RFES (supervisor: David Pardo) FM (supervisor: Carlos Pérez) SP (supervisor: Gianni Pagnini) ML (supervisor: Jose Antonio Lozano) For further information visit the website:
Applications must be submitted on-line at: https://www.
3-year post-doctoral research associate position in ergodic theory and dynamical systems at Loughborough University, UK:
Deadline to apply: 13 January 2016
(Skype) Interviews: 26 January 2016
Start date: 1 May 2016
The Scuola Normale Superiore announces a selection for 4 post-doc research positions named “Junior Visiting Positions”. The positions will be in the following subject matters:
Position n.1: Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory;
Position n.2: Topology, Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis;
Position n.3: Partial Differential Equations and Probability;
Position n.4: Dynamical Systems and Information Theory, as part of the research project “Dynamics and Information Theory Research Institute” (Convenzione 2014 Scuola - Unicredit S.
Funded Ph.D. studentship with Dalia Terhesiu at the University of Exeter:
Deadline for application: 17th January 2016
We announce that the COLLOQUIUM at the Department of Mathematics, University of Roma Tor Vergata, by Prof. Vadim Kaloshin, University of Maryland (USA), will be available on Wednesday, December 2, at 15:30, live on streaming at
The title of the talk is:
“Stochastic Arnold diffusion in deterministic systems and celestial mechanics”.
This will be our first attempt to make colloquia on streaming; we apologize in advance for any unforeseen problem.
Two-year postdoc position at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Bilbao, on “Stochastic Processes for Anomalous Diffusion”.
Deadline: 30th December 2015.
The conference “Renormalization in Dynamics” will be held in Pisa, from April 4 until 8, 2016.
For all information see
There will be financial support for PhD students and young PostDocs. The deadline for application is 15th January 2016.
The third call for the INdAM COFUND-2012 fellowships is now open. The deadline is Thursday 10 December 2015, 17:00 (Rome local time).