Thursday 12th November 2015, h 9:30 Sala Conferenze, Collegio Puteano, Centro De Giorgi, Pisa
Henk Bruin (University of Vienna)
“Sharp mixing rates via inducing with respect to general return times”
Abstract: For non-uniformly expanding maps inducing w.r.t. a general (i.e., not necessarily first) return time to Gibbs Markov maps, we provide sufficient conditions for obtaining sharp estimates for the correlation function. This applies to both the finite and the infinite measure setting.
Monday 9th November 2015, h 15:00 - 17:00 Aula Seminari (Dipartimento di Matematica, Pisa)
Alfonso Sorrentino (Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”)
This is a special meeting of the “Mathematical Physics Working Group” of the Mathematical Department of the University of Pisa, and will be of introductory level.
1-yr (potentially 2-yr) postdoctoral position with Corinna Ulcigrai at the University of Bristol:
The conference “Geometric Aspects of Modern Dynamics” will be held in Oporto (Portugal) from January 11 until 15, 2016:
Organizing Committee: Jasmin Raissy (U. Toulouse, France) Helena Reis (U. Porto, Portugal)
Scientific Committee: Marco Abate (U. Pisa, Italy) Alexey Glutsuyk (ENS-Lyon, France) Misha Lyubich (SUNY-SB, US) Julio Rebelo (U. Toulouse, France) Helena Reis (U. Porto, Portugal)
Up to three fully-funded studentships are available for highly-motivated candidates to undertake PhD research within the Department of Mathematics at Aberystwyth University.
The research group in Mathematical Modelling of Structures, Solids and Fluids has an international reputation in the study of complex fluids and structures, offering a unified approach to the mathematical modelling, computation and analysis of materials.
Projects should be in the area of mathematical modelling of multiphysics phenomena in complex materials with microstructure, for example deformation, waves, fracture and damage propagation in inhomogeneous structures.
Poste analyse / Position in analysis
The Department of Mathematics of University of Rome Sapienza offers a position as a Type B Researcher (Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di tipo B) in Mathematical Physics (Settore Scientifico Disciplinare MAT/07). The deadline for application is 17 September 2015.
All the details can be found at the following address:
Thursday 03/9/2015, h 16:30 Sala Conferenze (Puteano, Centro De Giorgi)
Mark Pollicott (University of Warwick)
I’m uploading the lecture notes of a minicourse, in the Pisa-Hokkaido summer school 2015.
It is a very elementary approach to the subject, intended for advanced undergaduate students or first years Ph.D. ones. Notes_2015_hokudai2