I am uploading the lecture notes of a course I gave in Camerino in the academic years 2003-2004 and 2004-2005.
Complessità Caos Informazione
On Thursday 3rd September there will be a special session at the 17th European Women in Maths general meeting in Cortona on “Dynamical aspects of number theory”. It runs from 10:00 - 13:00, and there will be short talks by Valerie Berthé, Karma Dajani, Charlene Kalle, Henna Koivusalo and Nicola Oswald.
Registration for the conference is unfortunately already closed, but if anyone is nearby and wants to come only for this morning session, I can’t imagine there would be any problem.
When: Wednesday July 22, 2015, at 11:30
Where: Seminario I, Dept. of Mathematics, Università di Bologna
Who: Francesco Cellarosi (Queen’s University, Canada)
What: Seminar “Recent progress towards Sarnak’s and Chowla’s Conjectures”
Abstract: I will present an overview of Sarnak’s conjecture on the disjointness of the Möbius function from any deterministic sequence and the related Chowla’s conjecture on the self-correlations of the Möbius function. Some progress towards weaker versions of these conjectures have been made recently, and I plan to illustrate them.
Monday 20/7/2015, h 11:30-12:30 Sala Conferenze (Puteano, Centro De Giorgi)
Jacopo De Simoi (University of Toronto)
Abstract: In 1927 G. Birkhoff conjectured that if a billiard in a strictly convex smooth domain is integrable, the domain has to be an ellipse (or a circle). The conjecture is still wide open, and presents remarkable relations with open questions in inverse spectral theory and spectral rigidity.
Friday, July 17, 2015, h. 16:00-17:00 Sala Conferenze (Puteano, Centro De Giorgi)
Sandro Vaienti (CPT Marseille)
“On recent results of extreme value theory applied to dynamical systems”
Abstract: We give a review of a few recent results of extreme value theory applied to random dynamical systems and to coupled lattice maps.
The Barcelona Graduate school of mathematics (BGSMATH) offers a PhD grant in Dynamical Systems:
Deadline: June 29, 2015, 15:00 (Spanish time)
Our beloved biennal workshop, currently titled DinAmicI IV, Fourth Workshop of the Italian Dynamicists, will take place in Corinaldo from Monday the 22th through Thursday the 25th of June 2015.
Web site: https://events.unibo.it/mat-workshop-dinamici2015
Thanks to the tireless work of our great Marcello, we now have a wonderful shiny new site!!