We are happy to announce the workshop Regular and Stochastic Behaviour in Dynamical Systems which will be held in June 5-9, 2023 at Centro “De Giorgi”, Pisa.
All the information can be found on the workshop website. Registrations are open until mid April.
The organizers.
We are happy to announce the VII International Conference on Finite Dimensional Integrable Systems in Geometry and Mathematical Physics which will be held in August 7-11, 2023 at Antwerp University in Belgium.
More information can be found on the official website.
Some financial support is available for junior participants. The application deadline for this is April 16th.
The GADeS Award 2023 will be awarded to the author of the best PhD thesis on topics of Dynamics and Stability. All those who have obtained the title of PhD from an Italian University in the five calendar years preceding the year of the Award, i.e. not before 1 January 2018, can participate.
The deadline for submitting applications is April 15, 2023. You can find all the information on the GADeS page on the AIMETA website.
The Department of Mathematics of the University of Pisa, within the “Department of Excellence” funding framework, launches a call for expression of interest to identify candidates at all levels with outstanding scientific expertise in the fields of
mathematics of machine learning and data science, high dimensional statistics; mathematics and modeling of complex phenomena in physical and life sciences. Interested candidates can write to segamm@dm.
We are excited to announce a series of online lectures by Prof. Vadim Kaloshin from IST Austria on the topic of Integrability and rigidity for convex billiard.
If you are interested in attending the lecture, please fill out the application form by February 28th: https://forms.gle/FburDqo2fQ8NxN8A9. Once you have completed the application, we will email you the Zoom address to join the lectures.
Event Details
Date and Time:
3 pm-5 pm on March 7th (Tuesday) 3 pm-5 pm on March 8th (Wednesday) 3 pm-5 pm on March 10th (Friday) 3 pm-5 pm on March 13th (Monday) Timezone: Japan time
The Convegno “Dinamica e Stabilità” (“Dynamics and Stability” conference) of the AIMETA Group, GADeS 2023 will take place in L’Aquila on September 11-12, 2023.
Participation is free, with no registration fee. Presentation abstracts must be submitted by March 31, 2023 to the email address gades2023aq@gmail.com
The template and all information (in Italian and English) can be found on the event website
The Department of Mathematics of the University of Roma Tor Vergata has been selected for the second time in a row as “Department of Excellence in Mathematics” in Italy and aims to hire mathematicians with an outstanding record of high impact research, excellence and leadership, according to the career age.
Selections of several positions will be made through 2023-2026.
The Department of Mathematics of the University of Roma Tor Vergata welcomes expressions of interest for academic openings at Associate and/or Full Professor level from any field in Mathematics covered through a “direct call” procedure.
La mattina del prossimo 19 dicembre si terrà in modalità telematica l’assemblea del gruppo UMI “DinAmicI”, che sarà preceduta da un seminario tenuto dal Prof. Lucio Russo (Università di Roma Tor Vergata).
Il programma della mattina è il seguente:
ore 10:30, seminario “Un’antica teoria sul primo sistema dinamico studiato: il sistema solare” (in italiano) tenuto dal Prof. Lucio Russo; a seguire, assemblea del gruppo UMI. Il link per seguire gli eventi è https://meet.
Call for Manifestation of interest to fill Professorship positions, Full or Associate Professor and Tenure-Track Assistant Professor art. 24, (3) (b), law 240/2010, at the University of Calabria, through the institution of “direct call” pursuant to art. 1, c. 9 of law no. 230 of 4 November 2005.
Deadline for application: December 10th, 2022 at 11:59 PM (Italian time)
Info and application form: https://unical.portaleamministrazionetrasparente.it/archivio22_bandi-di-concorso_0_11719_874_1.html
The Scuola Normale Superiore announces a selection for n° 5 post-doc research positions named “Junior Visiting Positions”. The positions will concern the following five subject matters:
Position n. 1: Algebraic Geometry and/or Number Theory;
Position n. 2: Topology, Differential Geometry and/or Geometric Analysis;
Position n. 3: Partial Differential Equations and/or Probability;
Position n. 4: Numerical Analysis and/or Financial Mathematics;
Position n. 5: Dynamical Systems.
The research activities will be carried out at the “Ennio De Giorgi” Mathematical Research Center.