Open Positions

Research Fellow position at the University of St Andrews

This is to advertise a 22 month postdoctoral Research Fellow position at the University of St Andrews, commencing on August 1st 2019. The candidate will work with Kenneth Falconer and Jonathan Fraser on the EPSRC funded project Fourier analytic techniques in geometry and analysis. Please could you pass this information on to anyone you believe might be interested in applying for the position. The vacancy can be found here:

9 PhD Scholarships in Lisbon

9 Doctoral Scholarships in Mathematics have been announced by the University of Lisbon under the Program LisMath 2019. Period of the Call: from 06 March 2019 until 20 April 2019 at 14h00 (Lisbon time). All info at:

RTD di tipo A (non tenure-track), University of Pisa

Bando per una posizione RTD-A (non tenure-track) nel Settore concorsuale 01/A3 (Analisi Matematica e Probabilità) presso il Dipartimento di Matematica dell’Università di Pisa, con scadenza le ore 13:00 del 18 marzo 2019. Il bando è disponibile alla pagina:

RTD di tipo B (tenure-track), University of Pisa

E` stato pubblicato sul sito web dell’Università di Pisa, il seguente bando per ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo B (tenure-track position) per il conferimento di n. 1 posto da ricercatore a tempo determinato Settore concorsuale 01/A4 SSD: MAT/07 Scadenza: 18 marzo 2019, ore 13:00

Two ESR (Early Stage Researcher) positions, University of Rome Tor Vergata

As part of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network, STARDUST-R, the Department of Mathematics of the University of Rome Tor Vergata offers 2 fully funded ESR positions on the following subjects: 1) Dynamics of space debris within different orbital elements regions; 2) Proper elements for Space Debris. More information are available at: MSCA ELIGIBILITY CRITERION: At the time of appointment applicants should have no more than 4 years experience after graduation and should not have resided in Italy for more than 12 months in the last 3 years immediately before the appointment.

PhD position in Mathematical Neuroscience, UPC Barcelona

A PhD fellowship of the INPHINIT INCOMING programme (BGSMATH-CRM center) is available under the supervision of G. Huguet and T. M. Seara (UPC, Barcelona). The goal is to study singular perturbation phenomena in a neuron-astrocyte model. First deadline is February 6. More information about the fellowship application procedure: More information about the project: If you know any candidate with a Master’s degree in mathematics (or similar) that might be interested, please let him/her know.

RTD di tipo a, Roma La Sapienza

E` stato pubblicato sul sito web dell’Università di Roma La Sapienza, il seguente bando per ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo A per il conferimento di n. 1 posto da ricercatore a tempo determinato Settore concorsuale 01/A4 SSD: MAT/07 scadenza: 7 febbraio 2019

Postdoc at Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa

A two-year long research position in “Dynamical Systems" is available at the Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi in Pisa. PhD students can also apply, provided they obtain their PhD no later than October 1st, 2019. The total two-year gross remuneration, inclusive of all taxes, is € 66,590.00 for each contract, corresponding to a monthly salary of approximately 2,000 Euros. An additional yearly research allowance of 1,000 Euros for exchange visits is also provided.

Postdoc positions on Dynamics of Complex Networks, UPC Barcelona

Dr. Romualdo Pastor-Satorras is currently offering two postdoctoral positions to work in his research group in the fields of complex systems and complex networks. The positions are located at the Department of Physics of Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain. The possible topics of research for the positions are the following: Dynamical transitions in reaction-diffusion processes on complex networks Dynamical processes in non-Markovian temporal networks Topological and temporal fluctuations in networks

Positions as Senior Lecturer or Lecturer in Mathematics, Northumbria University

The Faculty of Engineering and Environment at Northumbria University is passionate about the principles and applications of Science and Technology in all its forms and is committed to excellence in research, teaching and innovation. Working within the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering, we seek to appoint excellent candidates who can enhance one or more of our departmental disciplines. High-quality applications in any relevant area will be considered. In particular, the Department has distinct strength in Mathematics of Complex and Nonlinear Phenomena (MCNP) and is especially keen to hire a strong mathematician, theoretical physicist or mathematical-physicist in the areas compatible with current research directions in the MCNP group.