The Floer Centre of Geometry invites applications for a 3 years postdoctoral fellowship to pursue research in mathematics at the University of Bochum.
The deadline for applications is January 15, 2017.
Information on the position and instructions for applying can be found at the link:
17 PhD and 8 postdoc positions in mathematics are currently available at the universities of Bochum, Cologne and Münster within the Collaborative Research Centre / Transregio (CRC/TRR 191) on “Symplectic Structures in Geometry, Algebra and Dynamics”.
The deadline for the applications is January 6, 2017.
Information on the projects and instructions for applying can be found at the link:
The INdAM Doctoral Programme fellowships in Mathematics and/or Applications Cofunded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (INdAM-DP-COFUND-2015) offers fellowships in the framework of the European Horizon 2020 programme “Marie Skłodowska-Curie Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes”. These fellowships offer to researchers from all over the world the opportunity to enter a PhD School in Italy.
Application deadlines: 31 March 2017 (Call 1), TBA (Call 2).
More info at:
Selection for 4 post-doc research positions named “Junior Visiting Positions”. The positions will concern the following subject matters:
Position n. 1: Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory;
Position n. 2: Topology, Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis;
Position n. 3: Partial Differential Equations and Probability;
Position n. 4: Dynamical Systems, as part of the research project “Dynamics and Information Theory Research Institute” (Convenzione 2014 Scuola-Unicredit S.p.a.).
Application deadline: the application must be registered online by 23.
The Department of Mathematics of Università di Bologna has opened a call for two 1-year postdoctoral positions denominated “Starting postdoctoral position in Mathematics and Applications in Sciences, Social Sciences and Engineering”.
The positions are open to all candidates who hold a Ph.D. in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Engineering, Statistics or Economics, with a preference for applicants who have obtained their Ph.D.’s in recent years. It is an “open” position in that all research areas that are currently represented in the Department will be considered (see the announcement for a list of them).
Applications are invited for a 3 year Research Associate role in Mathematics, tenable from 1 October 2017 (or a nearby date to be agreed). The aim of this project, funded by EPSRC UK, is to perform cutting edge research in the following two fields of modern probability theory and stochastic processes: (a) random walks and diffusions with long memory (including self-interacting walks, walks in random environment, tracer diffusion in interacting particle systems); (b) stochastic representations in statistical mechanics with special emphasis on quantum spin and particle systems.
Here is the announcement of 1 yearly post-doc position funded by the ERC StG “Stable and Chaotic Motions in the Planetary Problem”, at the University of Naples “Federico II”, Department of Mathematics and Applications. Deadline: 10 October, 2016 (1:30 p.m.)
[Message from Stefano Marmi]
Dear Collegue,
I would be grateful if you could bring to the attention of your best postgraduate students and PhD holders that a two years long research position in “Dynamical systems, computational ergodic theory, randomness and pseudo-randomness” is available at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa.
PhD students can also apply, provided they obtain their PhD no later than 31st december 2016.
*Deadline for application is September 26th 2016.
The Department of Mathematics of Università di Bologna has opened a call for a 1+1-year postdoctoral position denominated “Advanced postdoctoral position in Mathematics and Applications in Sciences, Social Sciences and Engineering”.
The position is open to all candidates who hold a Ph.D. in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Engineering, Statistics or Economics and have been involved in postgraduate research activities for at least two years (counting from the application’s deadline, September 8, 2016, 1:00PM, CET).
E’ stato pubblicato il bando 368.15 per l’Area strategica Matematica Applicata per l’assunzione, con contratto di lavoro a tempo pieno e indeterminato, di n. 2 unità di personale con il profilo di Ricercatore, presso strutture del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche con sede in una delle seguenti città: Pavia, Roma.