Open Positions

11 GSSI PhD fellowships in Mathematics

The new call for the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) PhD fellowships has been published at The Math program offers 11 fellowships including 1 supported by IIT, on Communication Networks of Plant Roots. The GSSI is a newly established International Graduate School with student from more than 30 different nationalities. The fellowship gross amount is 16,159 euro per year, plus free lodging in the GSSI premises and free access to the GSSI canteen at lunch time, during working days.

8 permanent positions in Mathematics at UFAL - Brazil

The Institute of Mathematics of the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), Maceio, Brazil announces 8 (eight) permanent positions in Mathematics. The positions are open to PhDs in Mathematics with a background in Dynamical Systems, Differential Geometry, Algebra and Analysis. The starting salary will be 8.639 Brazilian Reals per month and the ending salary is 15.956. The deadline for application is May 12th, 2016. The exams are expected to happen in mid July and a successful candidate expected to take his or her job by the end of the year.

Two Ph.D. positions in Amsterdam

The KdV Institute for Mathematics of the University of Amsterdam offers two Ph.D. positions in Dynamical Systems and Complex Analysis at the University of Amsterdam. Looking for candidates with a MSc degree in Mathematics. A strong background in analysis, and in particular in dynamical systems and/or complex analysis, is a plus. The official advertisement can be found here: The positions are for 4 years and should lead to a Ph.

Ph.D. Fellowships at the BCAM, Bilbao

In the framework of the initiative funded by “la Caixa” Foundation, BCAM – Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, as a Severo Ochoa research Centre has opened an international call for researchers, offering three-positions for PhD Fellowships in the center Research Lines: CFD-CT (supervisor: Johan Jansson) RFES (supervisor: David Pardo) FM (supervisor: Carlos Pérez) SP (supervisor: Gianni Pagnini) ML (supervisor: Jose Antonio Lozano) For further information visit the website: Applications must be submitted on-line at: https://www.

3-year research associate position in Loughborough

3-year post-doctoral research associate position in ergodic theory and dynamical systems at Loughborough University, UK: Deadline to apply: 13 January 2016 (Skype) Interviews: 26 January 2016 Start date: 1 May 2016

Post-doc position at Scuola Normale Superiore - Pisa

The Scuola Normale Superiore announces a selection for 4 post-doc research positions named “Junior Visiting Positions”. The positions will be in the following subject matters: Position n.1: Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory; Position n.2: Topology, Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis; Position n.3: Partial Differential Equations and Probability; Position n.4: Dynamical Systems and Information Theory, as part of the research project “Dynamics and Information Theory Research Institute” (Convenzione 2014 Scuola - Unicredit S.

PhD studentship in Exeter

Funded Ph.D. studentship with Dalia Terhesiu at the University of Exeter: Deadline for application: 17th January 2016

Postdoc position in Bilbao

Two-year postdoc position at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Bilbao, on “Stochastic Processes for Anomalous Diffusion”. Deadline: 30th December 2015. Description

Postdoc position in Bristol

1-yr (potentially 2-yr) postdoctoral position with Corinna Ulcigrai at the University of Bristol: