A Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di tipo B (RTD-B, tenure-track 3 year) position in Mathematical Physics (Mat/07) has been announced at Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Department of Architecture.
Deadline for application: 10 January 2022
Formal announcement (in Italian):
Formal announcement (in English)
Annexes (template of application form, etc):
For further information please contact Prof. Laura Tedeschini Lalli (tedeschi@mat.uniroma3.it)
It should be noted that the Document Management office will be closed in the period 25 December 2021 - 02 January 2022 and therefore it will not be possible to submit the application by hand delivery during this time.
Announcement for a Junior professorship in Geometry & Dynamics at University of Heidelberg (Germany).
This is a 6-year (non-tenure track) position with a modest teaching load and typical rights of a German professor (e.g. advising students etc.) but very few administrative duties.
The successful applicant will find a stimulating research environment. He/She will get the opportunity to become a member of the newly founded Research Station “Geometry and Dynamics”.
Connections to the research areas within the Research Station “Geometry and Dynamics” are expected.
Two 2-year research positions in Dynamical Systems are available at the Centro De Giorgi - Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa.
PhD students can also apply, provided they obtain their PhD no later
than October 1st 2022.
Deadline for application: January 11th 2022 (11.59 PM Italian time). Webpage for applying: https://amministrazionetrasparente.sns.it/bando/junior-visiting-positions-2022-2024
The mathjobs announcement is available at https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/list/19104
The total two-year gross remuneration, inclusive of all taxes, is €66,548 for each contract, corresponding to a monthly salary of approximately €2,000.
The Department of Mathematics of Università di Pisa has opened a call for two 2-year postdoctoral positions in “Pure and Applied Mathematics”.
The deadline for application is December 24, 2021 at 1pm (Italian time).
More info at: https://bandi.unipi.it/public/Bandi/Detail/1cd16e96-3687-4359-a51b-99a901068e16
The Department of Mathematics at University of Rome Tor Vergata is advertising the opening of a Full Professorship in the field of Mathematical Analysis.
Deadline for the application: 16th December 2021.
More information (in Italian): http://web.uniroma2.it/it/contenuto/procedura_comparativa_ai_sensi_dell__art__18__comma_1_della_legge_n__240_del_2010_per_la_chiamata_di_un_professore_unive
The Department of Mathematics of Università di Pisa has opened a call for one 2-year postdoctoral position denominated “Regular and stochastic behaviour in dynamical systems: theory, applications, and interactions with other areas of Mathematics”.
The position is expected to start in January 2022. Applicants must hold a Ph.D.
The deadline for application is November 25, 2021 at 1pm (Italian local time). The interview will be online on December 6, 2021 at 9am (Italian local time).
A Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di tipo A (RTD-A, non-tenured three-year) position, carrying a reduced teaching load, has been announced by the University of Pisa for the study of mathematical methods for climate science.
In the call you can find it classified as MAT05 (Mathematical Analysis) but the research to be done is expected to involve other areas of mathematics and science.
The call can be found here: https://www.unipi.it/ateneo/bandi/ricercat/ricercator/pon/bando-43/index.htm
Website for online application: https://pica.
Prof. Corinna Ulcigrai (University of Zürich) is currently advertising a 2-year postdoc position (possibly +1 year), starting in September 2022 (different starting dates can be negotiated).
The deadline for the applications is January 7, 2022.
The job ad and the link to the job application can be retrieved from the following link: https://w16.math.uzh.ch/ort/?id=open
The Department of Mathematics “G. Peano” of Università di Torino has announced a 1-year postdoctoral fellowship titled “Nontrivial solutions and complex dynamics in nonlinear problems”.
Reference person: Prof. Paolo Caldiroli
Deadline for application: October 25, 2021
Formal announcement (in Italian): https://webapps.unito.it/albo_ateneo/?area=Albo&action=Read_Download&id_attach=43505
A Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di tipo B (RTD-B, tenure-track 3 year) position in Mathematical Physics has been announced at Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Deadline for application: October 28, 2021
Formal announcement (in Italian and in English): https://www.albopretorionline.it/uniroma/download.aspx?ida=614591&pubb=1&n=1
Annexes (template of application form, etc): https://www.albopretorionline.it/uniroma/download.aspx?ida=614591&pubb=1&n=4