DAI Seminar

Welcome to the page of the

DinAmicI: Another Internet Seminar
(a.k.a. DAI Seminar)

a series of online seminars on Dynamical Systems and their applications.

Organizers: C. Bonanno, G. Cristadoro, A. Florio, D. Ravotti

The list of all seminar, ordered from the recent and upcoming backwards in time is available below and on researchseminars.org. Click on a date to be directed to that seminar’s event page, showing all details of the seminar, including the link to the Zoom room and buttons to add the event to your electronic calendars.

  • Thu, 21 May 2020 17:00 CET: Martin Leguil (Université Paris-Sud 11, France), Some rigidity results for billiards and hyperbolic flows
  • Thu, 14 May 2020 17:00 CET: Giulio Tiozzo (University of Toronto, Canada), Central limit theorems for counting measures in coarse negative curvature

Most seminars will also be broadcast live on the DinAmicI YouTube Channel, where past seminars are also stored.

See you “there”!